Looking Great in Your Wedding Photos

When it comes to your big day there is a huge amount to celebrate. The coming together of two people who love each other and your committing yourself to the person you love, the gathering of all your collective friends and family, the dresses and the cakes, the music and the dancing, and the generally great mood. All this contributes to this being perhaps the most memorable day of most of our lives.

However there are also some aspects to be nervous of if it's your big day - if you're preparing for it now then you are no doubt already aware of this fact. For many people this will mean mostly things like worrying whether everyone will get on together, spending huge amounts of money, public speaking and dancing in front of friends. For the camera shy though, it might be the wedding photographer that they worry about.

You see, there's no getting around it, if you are getting married then you need to get used to having your photo taken because it's going to be happening a lot. You need to have a wedding photographer at a wedding to help you to immortalize this perfect day, and if you don't then you won't be able to share the moment with your children or with those loved ones who couldn't make it. However in order to enjoy your wedding photographer you need to feel confident in your pictures and you need to make sure that you can look back on them proudly. So how do you ensure you look your best?

Find a Good Photographer

Tip one is to find a great wedding photographer. There is certainly an art to the best wedding photography and if you choose someone who is great at what they do then they will choose angles and lighting to make sure you look fantastic. Look at the work of the wedding photographer at other weddings, and make sure that you are happy with it and discuss with them how you want yourself to look in pictures.

Lose Weight

Losing weight on the build up to the big day is a great idea and if there was ever more of an incentive to look your best and feel healthy, then most people don't know what it is.

Get Your Makeup Right

Getting your makeup done just right is highly important for women and you need to think not only about what will look good in person, but also what will look good in the wedding photography. Make sure that your skin looks matte and smooth and use a good foundation to achieve this. Likewise make sure that you use a bold lipstick and some blusher so your face has color even at a distance.


Practice how you are going to smile in your wedding photography. It doesn't hurt to practice a great camera smile in front of the mirror and at the same time identifying which is your good side can actually make a huge difference. You also want to look into tilting your head right to give you that defined jaw.

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Hardcore Facts About Digital Photography

There are many occasions when we take photos which ultimately remind us of memorable moments. Whether it is Christmas day with your family or your graduation day, a picture is much more than just an image; it is a sentimental item that stirs up emotions and brings nostalgia over the years. Technology has now changed and instead of the film cameras that were common back in the day, now most cameras use digital technology. The difference between these two types of cameras is that the film camera captures images on a film that is photo sensitive while a digital camera is fitted with specialized sensors that are able to capture and store images.

Advantages of digital Photography

One of the main advantages of using digital cameras is the fact that photographers can get an instant preview of a picture that had been taken. This was not possible with film cameras which required the film to be developed in a photo studio before the photographer could see the final image capture. Digital photography is also flexible because images can be easily transferred to other media in a matter of minutes and in addition to this, further alterations can be easily made using photo editing software.

The fact that users do not have to purchase film is yet another advantage that makes digital photography cost efficient. The content can be stored on flash memory and in many cases does not need to be printed out because it may be used in 'soft form' on websites, digital picture frames or computers. The images can also be shared online for other to see which is common on social networking websites which allow photo uploads.

Printed film-based photographs have the disadvantage of deteriorating over time which is not that case with digital photos that can be stored in different kinds of storage that does not deteriorate and can be easily copied.

Classic vs. Modern

Although the old film cameras have an old classic charm, we are living in a digital era and digital photography can be made use of in the right way to produce memorable images. The digital era is with us and rather than spend time and effort rejecting innovation, it is better to embrace it and use it to our advantage. Once you get used to operating digital photography equipment, you will find it easy to produce pictures with the highest quality.

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